
Beta Reading

Get honest feedback before sending out your manuscript.

Are you looking for genuine reader feedback before taking the next step with an editor? Send me your manuscript for a comprehensive beta read! I’ll provide a detailed critique letter highlighting your story’s strengths and areas of improvement, helping you refine your book without the pressure of formal editing. Whether it’s character development, plot pacing, or emotional impact, I’ll give you thoughtful insights from a reader’s perspective.

  • A personalized critique letter
  • Reader reactions to major plot points
  • Suggestions on character arcs and pacing
  • Identifying potential reader confusion or engagement dips
  • Feedback on overall marketability

Substantive Editing

Transform your manuscript with expert big-picture edits.

Ready to take your manuscript to the next level? Substantive editing is your first major step in the editing process. We’ll focus on big-picture elements like plot structure, character development, and pacing. Whether it’s filling in plot holes or strengthening character arcs, my goal is to help you shape your manuscript into a cohesive, compelling story.

  • Structural and narrative edits
  • Suggestions on reworking or cutting unnecessary scenes
  • Character development insights to make your cast more dynamic
  • Plot and pacing improvements to keep readers engaged
  • Feedback on story themes and genre expectations

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