Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick

Do you ever read a book and your first thought is: Aw. I would’ve liked that when I was eleven.

Hush, Hush was like that for me. Now, I want to preface this with saying I am not giving this book a bad review because I don’t think books written for eleven-year-olds are bad or hold less merit than other books. I am rating it this way because it just was not very good.

This story follows Nora Grey, who has never been attracted to the boys at school, no matter how hard her best friend, Vee, pushes them at her. Not until Patch comes along. Now Patch is just the worst. He is Edward Cullen without the charm – without the sparkle. But she is somehow charmed by how creepy he is and how he knows everything about her. Edward had to get to know Bella the old-fashioned way. Like asking her questions and staring at her when she was sleeping.

Nora is put through a series of terrifying encounters, including a few that are so obvious that it feels like it is insulting the eleven-year-old readers intelligence. Nora isn’t sure who to trust and decides the man who is stalking her seems like a good place to start.

Now Nora is in the middle of an ancient battle between immortal and those who have fallen. And she has to choose sides. After reading I am still unsure what the other choice was.

This book did not age well. And there are books like this one everywhere. But they are better stories. They are more interesting.

This was not interesting.

Genre: Fantasy
Series: Hush | Subjects: Angels, Paranormal, Young Adult
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